(Suzanne Melotti)

Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
8	STR	-2	11-	Lift 75.8 kg; 1 1/2d6 HTH Damage
12	DEX	6	11-	OCV:  4/DCV:  4
10	CON	0	11-
10	BODY	0	11-
10	INT	0	11-	PER Roll 11-
15	EGO	10	12-	ECV:  5
10	PRE	0	11-	PRE Attack:  2d6
10	COM	0	11-

2	PD	0		Total:  2 PD (0 rPD)
2	ED	0		Total:  2 ED (0 rED)
3	SPD	8		Phases:  4, 8, 12
4	REC	0
20	END	0
19	STUN	0		Total Characteristic Cost:  22

Movement:	Running:	6"/12"
		Leaping:	1"/2"
		Swimming:	2"/4"

Cost	Powers & Skills
27	Animal Control:  Elemental Control, 82-point powers, all slots Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2)
20	1)  Animal Sight:  Clairsentience (Sight, Hearing And Smell/Taste Groups), 
	x16 Range (4,800"), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout 
	use of Constant Power (0 DCV; -1), Only Through The Senses Of Others (animals; -1/2)
43	2)  Animal Control:  Mind Control 12d6 (Animal class of minds), Telepathic (+1/4), 
	Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2)
33	3)  Animal Locate:  Mind Scan 12d6 (Animal class of minds), Reduced Endurance 
	(0 END; +1/2); Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2)
33	4)  Animal Communication:  Telepathy 12d6 (Animal class of minds), Reduced Endurance 
	(0 END; +1/2); Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2)
20	Animal Communication:  Mind Link , Animal class of minds, Specific Group of Minds 
	(any animal), No LOS Needed
	Notes:  Usually maintained with "the Black"
67	Calling Animals:  Summon 128 75-point animals, Expanded Class of Beings (any small 
	animal; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Slavishly Devoted (+1); Arrives Under Own 
	Power (-1/2), Summoned Being Must Inhabit Locale (-1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4)

20	Followers:  "The Black", a very large black cat, and a ginger female cat

33	Animal Sight:  Danger Sense (general area, any danger, Function as a Sense); Requires 
	Animals To Be In The Area (-1/4) 15-

12	+4 with Animal Control Elemental Control
3	CK: New York City 12-
6	KS: Scrounging 15-
9	Shadowing 14-
9	Stealth 14-
3	Streetwise 11-
6	Survival (Urban) 13-

Total Powers & Skill Cost:  344
Total Cost:  366

200+	Disadvantages
10	Distinctive Features:  Homeless (poor hygiene and dress) (Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes
	Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses; Not Distinctive In Some Cultures (other 
10	Money:  Destitute
20	Normal Characteristic Maxima
15	Psychological Limitation:  Shy, Avoids Almost All Human Contact (Common, Strong)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Very Protective Of "Her" Animals (Common, Strong)
96	Experience Points
366	Total Disadvantage Points

Description: Bagabond is a small woman, standing 5'3" and weighing 100 lbs, with long dark brown hair. Currently, she is a bag lady, having nearly been driven mad by the sensation of suddenly receiving the sensory impressions of the millions of animals around her. She dresses in cast off clothing, is dirty, smells bad and lives in the streets. She is almost always accompanied by two cats, a large black male and a smaller ginger female.

Campaign Use and Designer’s Notes: For those wishing a somewhat realistic look to their supers game, Bagabond would fit right in. She also strikes me as the sort of character you’d find in a Neil Gaiman story. Her Mind Control might be even more impressive than what is listed—it might have an Area of Effect. Bababond might also benefit from the Scrounging rules in Post-Apocalyptic Hero.

Bagabond's Hero Designer File

(Bagabond created by Leanne C Harper, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

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