(David Harstein)

Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
10	STR	0	11-	Lift 100 kg; 2d6 HTH Damage [1]
10	DEX	0	11-	OCV:  3/DCV:  3
13	CON	6	12-
12	BODY	4	11-
20	INT	10	13-	PER Roll 13-
15	EGO	10	12-	ECV:  5
15	PRE	5	12-	PRE Attack:  3d6
18	COM	4	13-

3	PD	1		Total:  3 PD (0 rPD)
3	ED	0		Total:  3 ED (0 rED)
3	SPD	10		Phases:  4, 8, 12
5	REC	0
26	END	0
24	STUN	0		Total Characteristic Cost:  50

Movement:	Running:	6"/12"
		Leaping:	2"/4"
		Swimming:	2"/4"
Cost	Powers & Skills
175	Pheromones:  Mind Control 20d6 (Human class of minds), Telepathic (+1/4), Invisible Power 
	Effects (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Uncontrolled 
	(can be disrupted by strong winds, fans, air conditioners, and so on; +1/2), Area Of Effect 
	(43" Radius; +1), Continuous (+1); Always On (-1/2), No Range (-1/2), Set Effect (you agree 
	[with me]; -1/2), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4), Relies On Subject's Sense Of 
	Smell (-1/4)

10	+2 with Interaction Skills

2	AK: World Geography 11-
3	Acting 12-
7	Gambling (Chess) 16-
3	High Society 12-
4	KS: Poetry 14-
0	Language:  English (idiomatic; literate)
3	Oratory 12-
3	Persuasion 12-

Total Powers & Skill Cost:  210
Total Cost:  260

150+	Disadvantages
20	Normal Characteristic Maxima
15	Psychological Limitation:  Feels A Sense Of Duty And Responsibility To Humanity As A Whole 
	(Common, Strong)
10	Psychological Limitation:  Likes To Play Harmless Practical Jokes With His Power (Common, Moderate)
10	Social Limitation:  Jew in 1950s America (Frequently, Minor)
55	Experience Points
260	Total Disadvantage Points

Description: The Envoy is a young man (aged 26), standing 5'9" and weighing 150 lbs. He has black hair, brown eyes, a wry smile and a handsome face. His power is the ability to emit pheromones that make people want to agree with anything he says. He was recruited into the Four Aces and had a number of successes, before HUAC sent him to prison for three years for contempt of court.

Campaign Use and Designer’s Notes: The Envoy’s power is pretty scary. He can sway a whole room of people and ask them to do all sorts of foolish things, and they’ll go along with it (because “they agree” with his “suggestions.”) However, a 43” Radius might be a bit much, but seeing as his power can be disrupted by wind and the like, I doubt he’d ever be able to actually affect everyone in such an area. You could apply some sort of “Reduced By Range” Limitation, to reflect the further away you are, the less you’re affected.

(this write up is for the 1950's version of The Envoy)

The Envoy's Hero Designer File

(Envoy created by George R. R. Martin, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

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