Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
50	STR	40	19-	Lift 25.6tons; 10d6 HTH Damage [5]
33	DEX	46	16-
23	CON	13	14-
33	INT	23	16-	PER Roll 16-
20	EGO	10	13-
25	PRE	15	14-	PRE Attack:  5d6

10	OCV	35	
10	DCV	35	
3	OMCV	0	
7	DMCV	12	
6	SPD	40		Phases:  2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

22	PD	10		Total:  22 PD (10 rPD)
18	ED	6		Total:  18 ED (10 rED)
16	REC	12
60	END	8
15	BODY	5
50	STUN	15		Total Characteristics Cost:  326

Movement:	Running:  32m/64m 
		Leaping:  26m/52m
		Swimming:  4m/8m

Cost	Powers & Skills
	Martial Arts:  Atavistic Wrestling
	Maneuver	OCV	DCV	Notes
4	Choke Hold	-2	+0	Grab One Limb; 2 ½d6 NND
4	Martial Escape	+0	+0	70 STR vs. Grabs
3	Martial Grab	-1	-1	Grab Two Limbs, 65 STR for holding on
4	Reversal	-1	-2	70 STR to Escape; Grab Two Limbs
5	Slam		+0	+0	11d6 +v/10; Target Falls; FMove
3	Takedown	+2	+1	11d6 Strike; You Fall, Target Falls
4	+1 HTH Damage Classes (already included)

30	Toughness:  Resistant Protection (10 PD/10 ED)
8	Willpower:  Mental Defense (8 points total)
10	Grasping Fingers & Toes:  Clinging (normal STR)
15	Powerful Legs:  Leaping +20m (26m forward, 13m upward) (Accurate), END 1
20	Powerful Legs:  Running +20m (32m total), END 2
13	X-Men Communicator:  HRRP (Radio Group); Private Channels Only (-½), IIF (-¼) plus 
	+6 with Cryptography; Encrypted Transmission (-1)

20	Vehicles & Bases

3	Absolute Range Sense
5	Iron Will:  Resistance (+5 to roll)
3	Handsome:  +1/+1d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters)

6	+2 with Atavistic Wrestling

3	AK: Muir Island 16-
3	Acrobatics 16-
3	Breakfall 16-
3	CK: New York City 16-
3	Climbing 16-
3	Combat Driving 16-
3	Combat Piloting 16-
3	Computer Programming 16-
3	Concealment 16-
3	Conversation 14-
3	Deduction 16-
3	Electronics 16-
3	Inventor 16-
4	Navigation (Air, Land, Space) 16-
3	Paramedics 16-
20	Science!:  SS:  All 16-
3	Shadowing 16-
3	Stealth 16-
3	Systems Operation 16-
7	TF:  Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Science Fiction & Space Vehicles, Combat Aircraft, 
	Helicopters, Large Planes, Small Planes, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles
3	Tactics 16-
3	Teamwork 16-
3	Linguist
0	1)  Language:  English (idiomatic; literate)
2	2)  Language:  French (completely fluent)
2	3)  Language:  Italian (completely fluent)
2	4)  Language:  Latin (completely fluent)
2	5)  Language:  Russian (completely fluent)

Total Powers & Skill Cost:  259
Total Cost:  585

400+	Matching Complications
10	Distinctive Features:  Blue & Furry Mutant (Concealable; Extreme Reaction; Detectable Only By 
	Technology Or Major Effort)
20	Hunted:  Genocide Infrequently (Mo Pow; NCI; Harshly Punish)
20	Psychological Complication:  Code Against Killing (Common; Total)
15	Psychological Complication:  Protector of Innocents (Common; Strong)
0	Psychological Complication:  Verbose (Uncommon; Strong)
15	Social Complication:  Public Identity: Henry McCoy Frequently, Major
170	Experience Points

Total Complications Points:  585
The Beast

Background/History: When first introduced, the Beast—a mutant—possesses ape-like superhuman physical strength and agility and oversized hands and feet, though he otherwise appears to be a normal human being. Throughout his history, the Beast undergoes progressive transformations to his physiognomy, permanently gaining increasingly animalistic physical characteristics. These include blue fur, feline facial features, pointed ears, fangs, and claws. His physical power increases to even greater levels, as do his senses.

Despite his savage appearance, he is a brilliant man of the arts and sciences; he is a world authority on biochemistry and genetics, the X-Men's medical doctor, and the science and mathematics instructor at the Xavier Institute (the X-Men's headquarters and school for young mutants). He is also a mutant political activist. Fighting his bestial instincts and fears of social rejection, the Beast dedicates his physical and mental gifts to the creation of a better world for man and mutant. He also has a witty sense of humor.

The Beast's Hero Designer File

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