For the most part, The Well Of The Worlds uses the HERO System "as-is" with no real modifications. The exceptions are as follows:

1) All Killing Attacks do a flat x3 STUN Multiple. If an attack has +1 Increased STUN Multiple, it will do a flat x4. Example: a character is hit by a 2d6 RKA arrow. The damage dice come up "7". The character takes 7 BODY and 21 STUN before defenses are applied.

2) There are no Activation Rolls for armor or other defenses. The "Average Defense" rule will be used (in which average your DEF over the 16 Hit Locations).

3) The local house rule in which you take 1 BODY for every 20 STUN you take (after defenses and per individual hit) will be used. Example: A character with 8 PD is hit for 7 BODY and 35 STUN. Normally he'd take 0 BODY and 27 STUN. Since he took more than 20 STUN in a single hit, he also takes 1 BODY.

4) STR Minimums and Required Hands will be used.

5) I may use the Hero Points system from Pulp Hero.

6) "Taking An 11"—"Taking an 11" basically means you are performing a Skill at a normal, non-combat pace. It will require (at least) the minimum time required for the task (if not longer.) In many cases, it's a presumed die roll and doesn't need to be stated (in other words, when you get dressed, drive to work, start a fire, tie a knot, perform basic chores, and so on.) Here, we can presume you're "taking an 11" and getting the job done. However, if you want to pick a lock while under fire, or climb a ladder before the wall of water washes it away, or attempt to slip out of rope bonds before the guard notices, then you roll. You don't get to "take an 11" in cases such as this.

7) "Dude, He's F---in' Tarzan!"—This story should explain this rule nicely:

Keith Curtis writes:

I'm going to impart a story wherein I received a great lesson from no less a GM than Darren Watts. This was in his Pulp All-Stars game, wherein I played Tarzan.

Now, there's an emergency and the various pulp all-stars have to leave a hotel to get to Central Park in a hurry. I, as Tarzan, leap from the window and proceed to make my way there by running along drain pipes, telephone lines, signs, flagpoles, etc. Darren required no roll on this. One of the players asked, "Can he do that?" to which Darren casually replied with a phrase I shall never forget, and have put down into my GM Ten Commandments: "Dude, he's F---in' Tarzan!"

Four simple words (expletive softened), that say so much. There are times to just ignore the rules in any system. He could have had me make various rolls and such. But then there is the possibility of failure in a moment solely dedicated to advancing the story by getting the characters into the action. Additionally, this is the character's schtick. Failure serves no purpose other than to make the hero look unheroic. Just do it. Can he? Of course he can: "Dude, he's F---in' Tarzan!"

This become an occasional catch phrase I or my players invoke when we realize we are focussing on the dissecting rules rather than having fun being heroes. Can the hero show off fancy swordplay to impress a bunch of raw recruits? He's got buckets of combat skills and he's a hero. Just before I'm about to ask for some roll, the player says, "Dude, he's F---in' Tarzan!" And then I'm reminded of why we are there.

Now if it were a major plot point: Tarzan must swing across a gorge to grab a hand grenade and throw it back into a machine gun nest before the girl is blown to bits, then yeah, use the rules. But for the most part, when your whole purpose is to be a hero: "Dude, he's F---in' Tarzan!"

So, if in game, you're in the spotlight and it's your chance to show off (and it's a not critical moment) then yes, you can invoke the "Dude, [I'm] F***in' Tarzan!" rule and just do it. Provided, of course, you're showing off your speciality.

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