UniForge Character Creator


You can find the Macintosh version of UniForge here:

The Windows version is here:

The Linux version is available upon request.

System Requirements

Windows Computers: Windows XP Home or Pro
Macintosh Computers: Mac OS X 10.3 or newer
Linux Computers: GTK 2.0 or better libraries installed.

Older versions of Windows or Mac OS X may work. However, the software hasn't been fully tested on those machines so they may not be supported, especially OSes more than 3 years old.

Installing the Macintosh Version

After downloading the software archive, expand the file. Most Macs come with Stuffit Expander, but if you don't have it you can get it HERE. It's a free program. If you have Stuffit Expander installed, you can just double-click the UniForge.sit to expand it, and in many cases your browser will automatically expand it for you. This will create an installer file called UniForge.pkg. Run the installer by double-clicking the the package. The installer will ask you where you would like to install the UniForge folder and associated suite of files. It's recommended to place UniForge in your Applications folder, but you can place it anywhere you like.

Don't remove the files from the UniForge Folder. Doing so could limit UniForge's capabilities significantly. If you wish to study them or modify them to suit your tastes, then we encourage you to do so, but we suggest that you work with copies of the originals. This will make it easier for you when it comes time to upgrade your program and its associated files.

Installing the Windows Version

After downloading the software archive, expand the file. WinZip, which comes with many installations of Windows, may also be downloaded HERE. There are also many other utilities available that will unpack the UniForge.zip archive.

Once you have unpacked the archive, you'll see a UniForge directory containing all the files you need to run the program. You can place this anywhere you like, though most people like to place it in their Programs directory. You can then create a shortcut to the program itself (UniForge.exe) and place that in your Start Menu, on your Desktop, etc.

Installing the Linux Version

After downloading the software archive unpack the UniForge.tar file and place it in your home directory, or any place else you would like to run the program. Note that this is a GUI program requiring the GTK 2 or better libraries.